Core Membership Structure

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Eternal Vigilance is led by an individual who possesses the position of Master Chancellor.

Position: Master Chancellor (MC)

Description: The Master Chancellor performs duties which are very similar to that of a traditional “guild leader.” This position is our highest and most powerful; the Master Chancellor controls all aspects of the community that are not otherwise dictated by the charter. However, the Master Chancellor is not permitted to modify or stray from the charter while going about his or her duties. The Master Chancellor is responsible for providing oversight over all aspects of the community, ensuring that the charter is followed, motivating members, resolving conflicts, forming and executing disciplinary decisions, and for generally overseeing the continued growth and success of Eternal Vigilance in all aspects. It is important to note that the Master Chancellor is afforded such a great deal of trust by the charter because he or she is elected to their position.

Position: Vice Chancellor (VC)

Description: The position of Vice Chancellor was created to support the Master Chancellor. The Vice Chancellor’s authority in the guild is not determined by the charter, and is instead defined by the responsibilities the Master Chancellor has opted to delegate to the Vice Chancellor. The Vice Chancellor is capable of performing any function normally performed by the Master Chancellor, if the Master Chancellor has expressly granted the Vice Chancellor the authority to do so. In this way, the Vice Chancellor is an extension of the Master Chancellor’s office.

Position: Chief Architect (CA)

Description: The position of Chief Architect was designed to be purely an administrative role, and the Chief Architect is not what one would traditionally consider a “leader” in the community – although that is not to say that their duties are any less critical. The Chief Architect performs a set of clearly defined administrative duties, most of which require a proficiency in technology. He or she is the webmaster of the Eternal Vigilance website, and therefore performs duties which involve the modification of website assets (such as applying approved edits to the charter, updating the website when a new portal is created, or modifying forum permissions). Additionally, the Chief Architect performs the role of treasurer, allocating donated monetary funds where necessary for upkeep of community resources and where requested by the Master Chancellor.

Position: Community Manager (CM)

Description: The position of Community Manager was designed to be purely an administrative role, and the Community Manager is not what one would traditionally consider a “leader” in the community – although that is not to say that their duties are any less critical. The Community Manager performs a set of clearly defined administrative duties, most of which involve interacting with the community. He or she administers the Core Membership application process, as well as all elections and votes. The Community Manager fulfills a deeply trusted role because he or she is often the first Eternal Vigilance member that many new recruits interact with, and is expected to be intimately familiar with the charter so that the democratic elements of the community are carried out properly. Additionally, the Community Manager is responsible for ensuring that the community roster is up to date.

Position: Secretary

Description: The individual who fulfills the role of Secretary is not expected to perform any duties except when the Chief Architect or Community Manager are absent. However, the Secretary must be confident in his or her ability to step into their shoes should such an occasion occur, and therefore must endeavor to remain familiar with current policies, procedures and the methods used to carry them out. When activated, the Secretary assumes all of the privileges and restrictions normally applied to the Chief Architect or Community Manager.

Position: Caretaker

Description: The purpose of the Caretaker is to provide stability within our structure. The Caretaker was designed to possess no inherent leadership authority, yet is the custodian of the “keys” to the community by owning the community website, forums, treasury, and other critical assets. This is a necessity due to the potential for volatility in our community, as leadership positions frequently change hands, and continuity must be maintained over time across multiple election cycles. By entrusting ownership with an extremely trustworthy member, it is less likely that said critical assets will be compromised. The Caretaker is expected to distribute access to these assets to the appropriate individuals designated by the charter.

Position: Core Member

Description: All members of the Core Membership are considered a “Core Member” regardless of whether they possess a higher rank such as Master Chancellor. Core Membership was designed to be both an entry-level position for new recruits who have successfully applied for Core Membership, and intended to be a long-term position for the vast majority of members. Core Members function as voters during movements to amend the charter, when “no confidence” votes are initiated, and during the Master Chancellor election process. Core Members are generally interested in playing multiple games with Eternal Vigilance and are therefore granted the ability to pass freely between portals as they desire.