Oira Mir

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Oira Mir

Map: https://imgur.com/a/UXOro

The City of Oira Mir also known as the Eternal Jewel, it was named so because it is said that Oira Mir is where the Gods lived before they left the plain and that it was left for the people to start flourishing. For as long as people can remember the city has been run by 7 incredibly wealthy families that go by the name The Council of Seven whose only concern is the survival of the city. In the past The Council of Seven have toppled kingdoms through their influence, it’s said that they have more money than all other kings and emperors combined.

Throughout the history of the city of Oira Mir only one family has been replaced, the Mazza family who tried to topple the Empire of Therin due to a dispute between the leader of the family Rainaldo Mazza and the current Emperor Bodlo Denrust. The dispute lead to several assassination attempts on moth the Emperor and Rainaldo. After the 5th failed attempt of taking the Emperor’s life Rainaldo got so infuriated he decided to hire a group of the most vial assassin's the world had ever known; The Scarlet Death.

The Scarlet Death is known for their ruthless killing leaving nothing alive in the vicinity of the target. Going after Emperor Bodlo was no different, in the veil of night two of the most accomplished members of The Scarlet Death snuck into the Emperor’s keep and left a time delayed poison device in the breakfast dining hall. The device went off at the exact time of breakfast but on this occasion the Emperor had urgent business elsewhere which meant that he was not present at breakfast. The poison took out his whole family, most of the staff in the keep and half of the royal guard. Upon hearing of this otrosity the other 6 members of The Council of Seven decided that enough is enough, they contacted the Emperor telling him that the dispute between him and the Mazza family is over and that the Council will take care of their own. The very next they the whole Mazza family vanished to never be heard from again and the Amberward family took their place. Ever since then the council has stayed by themselves and not interfered in the business of the outside world.

The Council of Seven

The Council of Seven is the name of the 7 families that run the city of Oira Mir. The seven families of the council are; The Ravenheart Family, The Ironguard Family, The Dragonsong Family, The Valentine Family, The Amberward Family, The Albion Family and The Steelclaw Family. The Families are all situated in and around the Royal District of Oira Mir; the only family that lives in the keep is The Ravenheart Family that is seen as the most powerful of The Council even if all familie’s votes count for one vote. The Council is the equivalent of a government but due to the libertarian structure and that the council has stayed the same for so long there are not a lot The Council decides on publically.

The Ravenheart Family

Patron: Edward Ravenheart The Ravenheart Family is the leading family that runs the day to day operations of the state. They make sure that everyone in the government get paid and make sure taxes are collected. The Ravenheart Family is the family that calls for meetings of The Council and lead the meetings on behalf of the other families even if another family requested the meeting.

The Ironguard Family

Matron: Anor Ironguard The Ironguard family runs the smiths guild and the smiths district, anything going in or out of the smithys passes through the Ironguard family’s hands. Many of the family members spend most of their days down in the warm and sweaty forges. It’s said that the family has an arsenal the size of a medium army in their family home with weapons from the dwarves, the elves and even ancient civilisations. The Ironguard weaponry is almost on par with that of the dwarves and the reason for it is that they have studied the weapons in their arsenal for centuries and passed down the knowledge from generation to generation.

The Dragonsong Family

Patron: Francis Dragonsong The Dragonsong family is incharge of the army and upholding the law in the area. When you turn 15 in The Dragonsong family you get sent to train with the troops in The Wolf Army District. It’s the only family where the predecessor to the head of the family is not determined by first born. When the current head of family steps down the children have a tournament to see who is the better fighter. On the few occasions Oira Mir has been in battle the Dragonsong Family has been in the frontline fighting for who gets the most kills and glory in the field of battle.

The Valentine Family

Patron: Lucasa Valentine As the second richest family in The Council The Valentine Family runs the trade in the city. They do not regulate trade but The Valentine Company is the largest and wealthiest Company in Oira Mir. If you make a trade of more than 100 Gold you can bet that The Valentine Company knows about it and they will probably benefit from it in one way or another. The Valentine Family is the most traveled family in The Council and have bases all over the world where they conduct their trade. But their main base is in the Dragon Docks where they have control of all ships coming in and out of the main city.

The Amberward Family

Matron: Elaen Amberward The one thing The Amberward Family values above all else is intelligence, they see themselves as the wardens of information and knowledge. Most of the family members either when to the universities in the Owl Scholar District. The ones that didn’t have the talent for the arcane arts became successful within the Scholarly circles and the ones that did have the talent went off to become wizards and train with the best.

The Albion Family

Patron: Henry Albion The Albion Family is the richest family in the council by far, they run the largest bank of the world. The Albion Family’s reach is far and there are few countries that doesn’t owe them money. The Albion Family is one of the best defenses for Oira Mir as they control the flow of money. It is hard to win a long standing war when you don’t have enough resources to sustain your army and when you are fighting the largest bank in the world it’s hard to get a loan to fight.

The Steelclaw Family

Patron: Arfin Steelclaw The only none human family on The Council is The Steelclaw Family who are elves. The Steelclaw Family does not have any specific role in The Council but thanks to their long lifespan they help preserve the legacy of the founding fathers of Oira Mir. Thanks to the wisdom of the Elves The Steelclaw family is often who the other families turn to in time of crisis and uncertainty.