Kingdom of UMAR and the North Vadean States

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Name: Kingdom of UMAR (conventional long form) First Kingdom of UMAR The True

Capital city: Marradan

Current Head of State: Current unknown / last held by Mazman Wim

Government Type: Loose Federation of unstable chiefdoms and pretender kingdoms ( including UMAR and Canister)

Chief of State: Not Known

Head of Government: Not Known

Ruling Body: The faith less (nominal council of current chiefs)

Economy: Piracy , extortion and raiding

Religion: Spoizal

State: Counties Not known , size and shape of traitor kingdoms changes with the wind.

Military: Tribal war bands , Brigands and other mercenary armies

Title of Grandmaster: First Lord of Marradan

Role: Head of State

Position: Head of the Army de facto Head of the Government and Speaker of the faiths


UMAR should not be confused with the city of Umar , the UMAR kingdom is a loose grouping of criminals and killers of Vadean heritage that live past the Northern Range Mountains, technically part of Vadea this loose federation of would be states and chiefdoms fight each other, the Vadean Army and on occasion the Ork although it is believed they maintain a mutually beneficial truce allowing the Ork to attack Vadean towns and cities unhindered.

Although technically not referred to as King the position of Grand Master First Lord of Marradan is considered to be the same. With power comes danger, the title is not dissimilar to that of a hereditary kingship although the blade comes first in politics, rule is divided amongst the 9 Religious War Clans and self proclaimed despots that make up the so called nobility in the north. Power is held by only one and although there is technically no set period or term the position is held with money and violence by any one member of that group.

Coastal City of Canister

City is the seat of power to the nominal chiefdom of Canister, ruled by Calban the Gutter and home to the Red Fleet , as part of the 9 Calban controls the lands of the Black Peninsular. .